Invest in Orlando or Central Florida

Orlando has one of the strongest housing markets in the United States and is one of the top real-estate “export” cities in the world (real estate export is when foreign investors buy real estate as an investment rather than as their residence).   Orlando is the most visited city in America for the past 3 years overtaking NYC for that title.  More and more northerners, Californians, and people from all over the world are coming to the Central Florida area because of the weather, location, attractions, and lifestyle.

This intense demand, combined with a large volume of investors, makes Orlando one of the most demanded cities in the country to buy real estate.  Don’t worry though because we are here to help you every step of the way.

If you are looking for income-producing or commercial properties in Orlando or Central Florida, Zembala Group’s commercial arm can help expertly guide you through this process. We proactively work to find off-market opportunities, based on our client’s needs. Proper due diligence is a key component to ensure sound financial decisions in this arena. Zembala Group will minimize the problems and hurdles that most investors face when trying to purchase investment/commercial properties in this extremely competitive market.

What Zembala Group can do to help you invest in Central Florida:

  • Evaluate your needs and find properties that fit your specifications.
  • Source properties from off-market channels, commercial sites, and MLS.
  • Research your chosen property and help you make informed decisions prior to making an offer.
  • Provide resources such as property managers, lenders, accountants, attorneys, designers, general contractors, inspectors, and insurance agents.
  • Advise you on structuring a Letter of Intent.
  • Negotiate on your behalf to help obtain a contract on your chosen property.
  • Ensure proper due diligence is carried out during the allotted timeframe negotiated.
  • Assist in compiling the proper package required for funding the project.
Orlando Inn For Sale